Monday, December 6, 2010

First Milestone Complete!

Installed the keelson this evening following using the pastry bag method of dispensing the epoxy.  I'm holding it in place with drywall screws (to be removed later) and clamps.

I want to pat myself on the back.  The keelson lined up with 1/8" from front to back.  No warp of the keel as far as I can tell.  I'm very happy with the entire keel assembly and centerboard.  So far so good.

The glueing of the keelson completes the first chapter of the assembly manual.  It feels good to have 1 of the 8 chapters totally complete.

 Hours this session: 2
Hours total: 54
Hours remaining: 348

1 comment:

  1. I've got my keel finished except for the keelson. Plan to wait as long as possible before installing keelson. The keel is very heavy and chances of breaking the front end off are just too high. I think I should be able to wait until the keel is sitting in the cradle and I'm about ready to glue in the bottom panels.
