Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Topside Priming and Sanding

The priming of the topsides took 3 coats of high build primer.  Even then there were a few places that I had to go back over and fill with fairing compound.  It's amazing how many imperfections you can find in a perfect finish!

Sanding this primer is very easy and makes for a silky smooth surface.  All that was required was a very light sanding to produce a great surface.  It's easy to sand through and I did in a couple of places.  I don't worry about it too much as long as the surface is fair the WR-LPU will produce a nice finish.

The plan from here is to mask the topsides and paint with three coats of color (white).  Then remove the mask and cover the color and the brightwork in three coats of clear.  This will provide a nice gloss for the topsides and protect the brightwork from UV deterioration.

The green tape is a automotive masking tape that makes a very fine line.  The primer is thick and I can use regular painters tape for that but the WR-LPU paint is very thin and often runs under painter tape.  Even though the automotive tape is expensive it provides a very razor fine paint line.  For those of you following along at home just make sure you "burnish" the edge of the fine line tape.  I use a spoon and go over every square inch of tape.

Hours this session: 8
Hours total: 618

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