Friday, September 28, 2012

A Milestone (sorta)

It's strange how you count milestones when working on a long project like the Pocketship.  It seems that events I thought would be memorable moments dissolve quickly into the shadowy past.  Accomplishments like completing the keel, then the lower hull, the upper hull the decking and the list goes on, seemed like moments to rejoice.  In reality they become a minor footnote and a transition to the next perceived milestone.

After several iterations of this I decided my milestones would be based on consumption.  Every time I used up the last of a material, I made a mental note.  I seem to get more pleasure from watching my stockpile of parts dissolve into a boat then I do for any particular accomplishment on the boat.  Don't get me wrong, I'm really proud of what I've done so far.  But for some reason it's easier for me to measure my accomplishment on how much of the supplies have been exhausted.

With that in mind today, while sealing the cabin top with epoxy I used the last of my first 5 gal. container of resin.  That's a LOT of resin.  I'm far past the 1/2 way mark so I'm sure I won't completely exhaust the last 5 gals.  It was kind of a neat thrill throwing away the old plastic jug and replacing it with a new one.  Seems like a silly thing to get a thrill from!

Since the last entry I spent time painting the inside of the storage bins in the seat backs.  They look pretty good if I do say so myself.  Once that was done I was clear to install the seat backs.

These went in very easy.  The upper sides were clamped and the lower were held in place with stainless steel brads.  Except for the area around the storage bin.  No brads there just pressure from some heavy weights.

I also spend a considerable amount of time planing the carlins for the dorade boxes and the cabin roof.  I tried to use a power planer for this and almost had a catastrophe.  Too many curves to work so I just did it by hand using planes and a spokeshave.

While the seat backs are drying I sealed the underside of the cabin.  I was going to get my artist daughter to paint some sort of cool design there before I installed it but it looks like her college schedule is going to be too busy.  I'll probably just leave it bright.

Hours total: 401

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